Navigating Changing Buyer Behaviour Through 
Personalised Content And Sales & Marketing 
Alignment To Drive Digital Marketing ROI

August 3 - 4, 2021 | 10:00am - 11:40am AEST |ONLINE

Susie Wong

Former Chief Digital & Marketing Officer Fuji Xerox

A bold and energized business leader with over 2+ decades of multi-markets experience across a myriad of private and public sector companies anchored on marketing in B2B technology. Susie was the former Chief Digital Marketing Officer at Fuji Xerox Singapore, and prior to that, she held a multitude of regional and global roles in IBM, her last being the Director of Performance & Programmatic Marketing for Asia Pacific. Imbued with a deep sense of curiosity, Susie is constantly rethinking, retooling and reimagining new ways of marketing centered on principles of being customer-centric, data-driven and outcome focused. She is a strong advocate in creating a customer centric culture with data analytics, digital and design thinking mindset premised on agile practices.

Day 1: Tuesday, 3 August 2021

11:10 AM Smarketing Alignment: Identifying Buyer Opportunity In A Disrupted Market By Aligning Your Marketing and Sales Teams

Often sought and rarely achieved, alignment is the holy grail of marketing and sales teams everywhere. Regardless of the root cause, overcoming sales and marketing misalignment is necessary to securing long-term success through delivering high-impact marketing activities, boost sales effectiveness, and ultimately grow revenue. In this presentation, we will discuss;

  • Understand how alignment can create cross-functional input from both departments that will improve go-to-market strategies.
  • Learn how 'smarketing' alignment will improve seamless handoff between marketing-generated leads and sales.
  • Create cohesive content that speaks directly to buyers by integrating sales team intel, with marketing creativity.